I'm lighting up for ALL the Rappahannock County families facing childhood cancer themselves or for someone they love. Communities that band together help each other get through something as horrific as childhood cancer, even when the outcome isn't what you hope it will be. Thank you to the Rappahannock County Board of Supervisors for issuing an official proclamation declaring September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! I'm lighting up each night for Mari Tisera, Jose Canseco, and for my own survivor, Anne!
Submitted by Lynnie
I’m lighting up for those who have suffered with cancer. I have included information about Anne below. She is amazing. Our daily prayers for her grew a love for Anne before our girls even knew Anne. The next year, my daughters met Anne. We continued praying. My daughter, at age 3 & 4, remembered to pray for Anne almost every night. She will always be special to our family and so many people she has met along the way during this devastating diagnosis. As Anne’s teacher she was a light to everyone. She would choose to come to school after appointments at UVA. She always had a smile on her face. She continued to love life and share her love with her classmates and teachers- we all loved learning about frogs and their sounds. Anne is amazing! We will continue to pray for the children and their families who have been diagnosed with cancer. We love you, Anne!
Info from another post recognizing Anne and her family: Anne is officially and 100% completely finished with her treatment! Anne and her family heard those devastating words, "Your child has cancer" just before her 7th birthday. It was a tough and long 3 years of treatment along with some of her siblings own health battles too. As hard as it was, Anne and her family were always there to lend a helping hand to other families and organizations like us. We were there to support them when they needed us, and we know they will continue paying it forward because that's the kind of family they are! We are so happy for you Anne and family!
Submitted by Carmen